Özel Tevfik Kuşoğlu Secondary School is located in Kayseri Provience where is located in the middle Anatolia. The city is about 300 km far away from the capital and has about 1.320.000 population, it is the 15th biggest city of Turkey. The school is located in the center of the city. In our school we have some supplementary education courses. With all of these we have 320 students; two of them with Special education students and some has Low-level disability and 45 staffs. Our school education program is ‘child centered’in line with educational policy. In our school, ‘High Scope Approach’ is taken into consideration in order to facilitate the preparation of students at an early age and to gain vital skills. In this respect, the aim is to develop the following characteristics of our students: •Independence •Internal Audit •Self-confidence •Knowing that a social group is a member and its responsibilities. The philosophy of Education of our institution is to give basic knowledge, skills and habits to our students and to prepare them for high school by raising them in the direction of their interests and abilities. Another principle in education, which has direct connection with this project is that our children learn their academic skills as well as develop their emotional intelligence. We believe that our children with high emotional intelligence will have a high success in life and will be more productive. In addition, as in every century, in the century we are in, individuals who have received high quality education, and who have achieved emotional education, give direction to societies. The aim of emotion education is to educate individuals who know themselves, know their potential and can use their emotions in their native places. Individuals with emotional training can be happy. Projects in our school are chosen by the Board of Teachers together with the Project Coordinator (who is planning, executing, guiding projects) in order to improve education, schooling, motivation, using innovative educational methodologies and, above all, to reach the European key competences as final goals. The key persons involved in this project have excellent management skills about projects, good capacity of applying knowledge in practice, is expert in middle education, have good ICT and interpersonal skills. Especially contact person has participated many comenius and grundtvig projects before. He participated in these projects as contact person. Also he is eTWinning Ambassador of the town, And he is one of the trainer of eTwinning in the city. In the field of Erasmus he has; Project Expert, Project Advisor and Independent Project Auditor Certificates. We are all open-minded professionals trained in experiential education and inquiry-based learning who developed our own programs under the National Educational Curriculum for children aged 10-15.